
General Information

Current Sign Up Form

Here you can learn more about volunteering and offer to sign up for different slots! In order to sign up, please read the position descriptions entirely before volunteering. 

We provide a link to the current volunteer form when the next party is announced.

All volunteers will need to share their membership email account and phone number, so that we can communicate leading up to the event, and during the event.

When you accept a volunteer role, please be kind and notify staff immediately if you cannot make it! After we get your responses, we will try to assemble everyone’s preferences into a schedule and reach out to confirm if you are okay with your assigned spot. A comped ticket will be sent out when we receive confirmation.

Vaccination and Testing

Please keep in mind that all volunteers must have proof of vaccination and must offer a negative COVID test the day of the party, the same as all other attendees. 

Comped Entry

All volunteers are issued a ticket in exchange for their help. If you have already purchased a ticket, please let us know so we can refund you and free it up for an attendee.

Volunteer Positions

Set Up

We will be setting up lights, sound, and decoration throughout the space, this may also include some rearranging of furniture and moving of gear. This will also include putting fitted sheets on mattresses on the floor, as well as setting up our safer sex stations throughout the venue. 


You will be placed at the space’s door, you will be letting attendees in, checking their names on the guest list, and checking COVID test results, and vaccination records. Everyone must be at least double vaccinated, have a negative test within the day before the event (so make sure to check the date), and have their ticket.


For the duration of your spots, you will be picking up trash (largely abandoned cups). If trash cans are overflowing, please replace the bags. If the water jugs have run out of water, please refill them, and if cleaning supplies are short, help resupply.


We will be removing all decorations, tidying up, and throwing out any garbage, as well as restoring all furniture to the space to how it was before the event. This involves moving event mattresses and gear into a back room and can include bringing gear to a different floor. 


Comfortable with filling any of the volunteer roles, and willing to fill a specific role if another volunteer drops out. 

Consent Monitors

Our consent monitors have longer shifts to ensure that our parties have a level of consistency in who our attendees are looking for. For this reason we only have two rounds of CM’s.

Consent Monitors are there to make sure everyone is having a good time and feels safe. And if there is anything you need help with, feel free to ask for help from one of the Transgression staff. 

Keep an eye on the space, be ready and available for anyone in attendance to come up to you for an extra set of eyes on their scene, or just generally feel free to go up and chat with someone if they seem uncomfortable. 

One key task is keeping an eye out if anyone is fucking without a pad underneath them on furniture, we need to keep the space clean, so if you see that please go up to them with one for them to put underneath themselves, or make sure to wipe down any surfaces with disinfectant after they leave. 

Consent Monitors are also there to direct attendees towards safer sex items, know bathroom locations, and spot for scenes that need an extra set of eyes. This might look like helping people get water if they need it, keeping people company, to keeping an eye on a suspension scene to make sure everyone is safe. If you are asked to spot a scene you do not feel equipped for, please feel free to ask a staff member to help. 

If there are any escalated situations between attendees to bring in your point of contact as soon as possible to help with de-escalation, and any official measures that need to be taken.